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2014年9月, 布朗州长签署参议院第628号法案(Beall), which authorized 加强基建融资区建设 (EIFDs) that re-established the ability to utilize tax increment financing as a way of fostering 经济发展. Dozens of cities and counties are now considering 加强基建融资区建设 (EIFDs) and a handful have completed the district formation process. The 西萨克拉门托市 has been at a leader in adopting this financing tool and also promoting legislative changes to improve the EIFD Law.
该州首个EIFD成立: On June 14, 2017, the West Sacramento 市议会 adopted Resolution 17-17 approving the 改善基建融资计划 (the Plan) for Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District No. 1 (EIFD号. 1). On June 28, 2017, the Public Finance Authority (PFA) to EIFD No. 1 adopted Resolution 17-2 and Ordinance 17-2 forming the first EIFD in the State of California.
EIFD编号说明. 1: EIFD No.1由十四(14)个子区域组成, 大约有4个,144 acres, 占整个西萨克拉门托市的25%. The subareas contain a diverse set of land uses from areas planned for riverfront mixed use development, 到大部分已建成的工业和零售区. Table 1 below, summarizes the existing conditions of the 14 subareas.
EIFD No. 1目标和目的 EIFD No. 1包含以下目标,包括:
- 协助填补基础设施投资缺口 by allocating tax increment to provide a stable source of financing for the City’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), 策略性基建项目, 及其他合资格的“环境资助计划”用途.
- Provide a stable source of revenue for capital investment.
- 撬动私人投资.
- 支持土地组装和环境清理.
- 利用外部资金,如联邦/州拨款.
- Use in conjunction with other financing district revenues, such as the formation of Community Facility Districts and Benefit Assessment Districts.
- Support adaptive reuse and creative reuse of existing real estate assets.
- Induce private investment where it would otherwise not occur.
- Support projects with a community-wide or regional benefit.
资助项目编号. 1 will be consistent with the City’s adopted General Plan 2035 (GP 2035) which provides a vision for how the City will grow and change in the future. EIFD号的支出. 1 revenues would provide community-wide benefits by funding implementation actions consistent with the principles outlined in the Plan, 包括土地用途, 城市结构与设计, housing, 经济发展, mobility, 公共设施及海洋之神登录入口, 公园和娱乐, 自然和文化资源, safety, 一个健康的社区. In order to implement the GP 2035, it is anticipated that EIFD No. 1 expenditures will be used on projects that have community-wide benefit in implementation of:
- 主计划
- 具体的计划
- Capital projects (including the City’s 5-year Capital Improvement Plan budgets)
- 开发协议
- 开发项目
The Plan establishes a date when the District ceases to exist 根据政府法规53398.63 et. seq., the maximum duration of an EIFD is 45 years from the date on which the issuance of bonds is approved. 除了, the duration may be 45 years from when the City approves a loan to the EIFD (an action not anticipated).
The Plan identifies actions “not contemplated” but authorized by the EIFD Statutes 在雕像允许某些活动的情况下, but staff believes such an activity is not anticipated at this time, 这将在计划中注明. Such activities that are not contemplated include the following:
- 拆除房屋单位
- 缴付车辆牌照费收入予发展基金的承诺
- 城市“过境”部分的承诺(10).2%) of each tax increment dollar which currently is deposited in the General Fund
- 城市贷款给EIFD
The Plan assumes subsequent voter approval (55% threshold) will be pursued to authorize the issuance of bond debt The Plan references the 市议会’s intent to pursue this action in the future in order to allow establishment of long-term debt. The vote would require a 55% approval by qualified electors, 哪一个是基于该地区的登记选民.
该计划预计EIFD的未来发展.1及分区 The subareas vary with respect to: 1) the perceived capacity for new development; 2) future land uses; and 3) the anticipated time frame for new development. 下面的表2总结了这些机会. As shown, 这些分领域被分为三类, reflecting the anticipated timing for the commencement of new development. 第一组包括已知的子区域, 预期的近期发展项目, 哪些计划在未来5年内展开. There are five (5) subareas within the “near term” development category, four (4) subareas within the “longer term” development category in which new development is not anticipated to start for another 10+ years, and four additional project areas for which there are not any identified specific development projects. Development opportunities within the “longer term” category are typically constrained by the need for new infrastructure or the removal of heavy industrial uses. 例如, much of the 先锋虚张声势 subarea will not be able to redevelop until large petroleum tanks are removed. With respect to the subareas without any identified specific development projects, there are infill opportunities in these areas or the opportunity for significant conversion to new land uses over time.
EIFD要实现的目标.1-funded设施 2012年5月, the 市议会 adopted the Community Investment Action Plan which established goals for the strategic public investment in infrastructure and 经济发展 designed to catalyze private investment to improve the local economy, 为金融城创造新的收入, 并提高居民的生活质量. EIFD No. 1 will incorporate the following goals from that plan, including:
- 协助填补基础设施投资缺口, by allocating tax increment to provide a stable source of financing for the City’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), 策略性基建项目, 及其他合资格的“环境资助计划”用途
- Provide a stable source of revenue for capital investment
- 撬动私人投资
- 支持土地组装和环境清理
- 利用外部资金,如联邦/州拨款
- Use in conjunction with other financing district revenues, such as the formation of Community Facility Districts and Benefit Assessment Districts
- Support adaptive reuse and creative reuse of existing real estate assets
- Induce private investment where it would otherwise not occur
- Support projects with a community-wide or regional benefit